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Biosketch Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam
Vice President, Education


Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and Vice President, Education at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. He is currently the co-lead for the Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Ontario Mental Health at the Centre for Addiction and Mental and Health and the University of Toronto, which is a provincial hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing network model building mental health and addiction capacity in rural Ontario.  He is the Director of Curriculum Renewal for the Medical Psychiatry Alliance, systems and education initiative building capacity in integrated physical and mental health care.


Dr. Sockalingam has >180 peer-reviewed publications and is a lead investigator on several peer-reviewed clinical and medical education grants. His clinical research interests are focused on Medical Psychiatry, including obesity and mental health. His education research is focused on training for managing complexity, alignment of quality improvement and continuing professional development, and understanding factors influencing lifelong learning in practice.  He has been the recipient of several national and international education awards.


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